Since the 1980s it has been about exclusiveness and being a close substitute for the main international reserve assets. 但自上世纪80年代以来,它一直都显现出排他性,是主要国际储备资产的相近替代品。
With low external debt, a manageable budget deficit, a bulging current account surplus and a$ 360bn pile of reserve assets – Asia's third largest – Taiwan seems well placed to ride out any storm. 台湾拥有较低的外部债务、可控的预算赤字、充足的经常账户盈余和3600亿美元外汇储备资产(亚洲第三大规模),因此看起来它能够很好地度过任何风暴。
Reserve assets in the International Money Fund; designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market. 国际货币基金组织的储备资产;补充的储备金币或可兑换货币以维持外汇交易市场的稳定性。
By form of reserve assets: gold standard system, gold exchange standard system, credit standard system. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。
However, the problem is that these bonds can be traded only between central banks, so they cannot compete with the liquidity offered by traditional reserve assets such as government bonds. 但问题在于,这类债券只能在各国央行之间交易,因此,它们无法与国债等传统储备资产提供的流动性相匹敌。
A country can use an SDR to claim currencies from other IMF members in time of need so they can be used as a reserve assets instead of dollars. 在需要时,一国可以用它向imf其它会员国换取外汇所以,它们可以替代美元作为储备资产。
Material production assets in the largest number of liquidity for corporate sales and consumption of reserve assets. 材料是生产企业资产中数量最大的流动资金。是企业为销售而耗用的储备资产。
What the G20 can initiate through the IMF is a set of rules that limits the accumulation of reserve assets and sterilisation of capital inflows. 20可通过imf制定一套规则,用以遏制积累储备资产和冲销资本流入的行为。
Studies on the substitution effect of Individuals Owing Gold on National Reserve Assets in Our Country 藏金于民对我国储备资产替补效应的思考
The US was not issuing enough official reserve assets to satiate investors so unofficial reserve assets multiplied to fill the gap. 美国发行的官方储备资产不足以满足投资者需求,因此非官方储备资产成倍增长以填补缺口。
Assets are divided into direct investment ( DI), portfolio investment ( PI), financial derivatives ( FD), other investment ( OI), and reserve assets; 资产分为直接投资、有价证券投资、金融衍生工具、其他投资和储备资产;
The trade surplus is likely to persist, and reserve assets, after all, are generating interest incomes. 外贸很可能持续顺差,毕竟,储备资产可以获得利息收入。
In2009 China also saw an increase of$ 16.3 billion in reserve assets that are not foreign exchange, primarily gold and IMF Special Drawings Rights. (2009年中国的储备资产增加了163亿美元的非外汇类资产,主要是黄金及国际货币基金组织(IMF)设立的特别提款权(SpecialDrawingRights)。
In my view, the renminbi is undervalued against most currencies and plausible reserve assets, so there will be capital losses for China no matter what currencies it holds as reserves. 我认为,相对于多数货币和可信的储备资产,人民币汇率都处于被低估水平,因此不管中国的外汇储备投向何种货币,该国都将遭遇资本损失。
We should also expect to see more discussion in the next few years on new types of reserve assets. 我们还应预料到,未来几年会出现更多关于新型储备资产的讨论。
The determination of oil and gas reserve assets value provides a sound foundation for oil and gas reserves going into markets, and also provides a decision basis for exploration and development. 油气储量资产价值的确定为油气储量走向市场奠定了基础,也为勘探开发提供了决策依据。
In the course of strengthening internationalized management and expanding overseas business, big oil companies have been in very frequent business activities to purchase the oilfield reserves. Because of that, it is necessary to carry out economic evaluation of oilfield reserve assets. 在加强国际化经营,拓展海外业务中,各大石油公司购买油田储量的业务非常频繁,有必要对油田储量资产进行经济评估。
And as a world currency, gold also is one of the reserve assets and investment tools. 从货币用途看,黄金又是重要的储备资产和投资工具。
A concrete qualitative analysis of the main factors that affect the most important component of the assets value of mine resources& the asstes value of reserves is made and the rising and falling trend of the reserve assets value is pointed out. 对矿山资源资产价值的最重要组成部分&储量资产价值的主要影响因素进行了具体的定性分析,并指出储量资产价值的升降趋势。
A Research on Calculation of the Reserve Assets Value in Liaohe Oilfield 辽河油田油气储量资产价值计算方法研究
The Effect of Geological Factors on the Calculation of Reserve Assets Value 地质因素对储量资产价值计算的影响
Taking an overseas oilfield as the example, this paper introduces the method for evaluating the reserve assets, thus providing reserve assets deal with basis. 以国外某油田为例,介绍储量资产评估的方法,为储量资产买卖提供了依据。
Therefore, the supply of the international reserves should meet the needs of the economic growth and the International Balance of Payment equilibrium so as to make reasonable use of the domestic resource and make meet ends of the reserve assets. 因此,国际储备的供应及其增长率应能满足经济增长和维持国际收支平衡需要,达到合理利用内外二种资源,使持有储备资产的成本和收益相等。
For State monopoly management of the reserve assets vested in the people, it is necessary using law to regulate such behavior for management and administration. 由于国家垄断经营管理归属于民众的储备资产,因此用法律来规制这种经营管理行为是有必要的。
It is the mainstream that the international monetary system has a trend that three kinds of currencies, USD, Euro, and a currency of Asia, will be the main reserve assets throughout the world. 国际上的主流观点认为,国际货币体系的发展正朝着以区际货币三足鼎力的趋势发展,即逐渐形成以美元、欧元、以及一种亚洲区币为世界主要储备资产的模式。
The results show that the current round of inflation is mainly through international capital flows and exchange rate fluctuations resulted in an increase in our foreign currency reserve assets thus broadening the base money supply passive form impact on the overall price level in China. 结果表明,本轮通胀主要是通过国际资本流入及汇率波动导致我国外汇储备资产增多进而被动扩大基础货币投放量,形成对我国整体价格水平的影响。
Firstly, the results of full sample confirm that the determinant factors of net interest margin include average operating costs, credit risk, opportunity costs of reserve assets, business diversification and statutory deposit reserve rate. 首先对全样本数据进行实证分析,结果表明影响我国银行净息差的主要因素是平均运营成本,信用风险,储备资产的机会成本,业务多元化程度和法定存款准备金率。
The imperfections of the system led to a chain reaction that the legitimacy of management acts are be questioned, and reserve assets are be impaired because of mismanagement. 制度的不完善也进一步引发了储备资产经营管理行为的正当性受质疑、储备资产经营管理行为不当而导致资产受损等连锁反应。
This shows that the choice of reserves 'currency will not only affect the free role of reserve assets, also the ability of value-adding. 可见,储备货币的选择不仅会影响到储备资产作用的充分发挥,还会影响到储备资产的增值能力。